Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Programs: Eleven Case Studies
The Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2017 stands as a marker of the growth in understanding of the significance of keeping officers safe, healthy, and well on the job. In addition to tasking the U.S. Department of Justice with making recommendations to Congress on improving officer wellness, it requires the COPS Office to conduct “case studies of programs designed primarily to address officer psychological health and well-being.” This publication is a report on those case studies, including study of 10 departmental efforts and one national call-in hotline. These studies show a range of approaches to safeguarding the mental health of both sworn and nonsworn employees, current and retired, of police departments and sheriffs’ offices around the United States. Each program studied has elements that can be replicated elsewhere in our ongoing efforts to meet the mental and emotional health needs of even more officers and deputies and their families.
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
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